Link-uri Utile
- Potato Herbarium
- NRSP-6 – United States Potato Genebank
- Potato Variety Descriptions (Netherlands): POTATO EXPLORER
- The Dutch Catalogue of Potato Varieties
- Potato in India – Varieties
- Potato Variety Descriptions (Washington)
- SunLight Potatoes
- The Gross Luesewitz Potato Collections of the IPK Genebank (GLKS)
- ARVALIS Institut du vegetal – France
- Potato World magazine – Netherlands
- The Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
- Societatea Romana de Etnofarmacologie
- PubMed book
- Potato Pedigree Database from Laboratory of Plant Breeding of Wageningen University
- Potatoes New Zealand
- The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization – Japan
- Solanaceae Genomics Resource
- How to Manage Pests Potatoes
- PoMaMo Database – Potato Maps and More
- TIGR Solanum tuberosum Gene Index
- Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium
- Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research – Scientific Journals of INIA
- The Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
- Publications for Vegetables Australia, Potatoes Australia and Vegenotes magazine – AUSVEG
- Potato Research, Journal of the European Association for Potato Research – EAPR
- American Journal of Potato Research, The Official Journal of the Potato Association of America – PAA
- Euphytica, Journal of plant breeding,
- CSIRO PUBLISHING – Australian Journal of Botany
- Agronomy – Open Access Journal of MDPI AG Postfach, Switzerland
- Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
- Presses agronomiques de Gembloux
- Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment BASE
- PotatoReporter Online – Enewsletter Content Development
- The National Agricultural Library (NAL) from United States Department of Agriculture
- The Central Potato Research Institute CPRI (Indian Council of Agriculture Research)
- Potato Research Institute, Havlickuv Brod, Czech Republik
- POTATO CALCULATOR The Central Potato Research Institute CPRI (Indian Council of Agriculture Research)
- Potato Soil Analysis Data
- Online Toolbox – Potato Council UK
- Potato Soil Analysis Data
- Potato Metabolic Pathways
- Potato Glossary
- Potato world magazine online
- Solanum tuberosum Genome Data
- Global Parthership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building . GIPB
- Federation des producteurs de pommes de terre du Quebec Canada
- Monitoring Phytophthora infestans in Europe
- Prognoza Agricolo | ICDPP Sistem de suport al deciziilor en agricultur?
- Potato Reporter Online
- Mars Bulletins e Crop monitoring in Europe
- Personalitati ale stiintei romanesti
- The RTBMaps paints a complex picture of global production zones
- The European Association for Potato Research (EAPR)
- The Potato Association of America (PAA)
- Asociatia Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP)
- Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)
- African Potato Association (APA)
- World Potato Atlas (WPA)
- Danespo Ltd.
- Maine Potato Board
- National Potato Council (USA)
- Global Potato Focus
- The Potato Growers of Alberta
- Potato Research Centre, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
- British Potato Council
- Potato Research Group. The University of Manitoba
- Potato Storage Research Facility Home Page
- Wageningen Potato Centre
- Global Potato News : the source for online potato information
- International Year of Potato (IYP)
- Potato Abstracts
- Potato proindustry
- PotatoCrop.Com
- Potato Genebanks
- The Potato Museum
- The Potato Magazin: Potato Processsing International
- The European Agricultural and Food Research landscape
- Global Potato News
- Wageningen Potato Centre
- ResearchGate – a free platform for scientists and academics
- PNII – Parteneriat 2011
- Planul sectorial ADER 2020
- Portalul cercetatorilor din Romania!
- Centrul de Comunicare al Fermierilor din Romania – CCFR
- Potatoes South Africa
- Potatoes Canada
- Canadian Potato Varieties – Descriptions
- Potato Variety Descriptions – HZPC CANADA
- Samanta cartofi – Vitma Romania
- The United Potato Growers of Canada
- Soiuri de cartof SOLANA – ROMANIA
- Soiuri de cartof SOLANA – GERMANIA
- Agrico UK Varieties
- Nos varietes – Pomme de Terre AOP – Ile de Re
- Liste de varietes de pommes de terre – wikipedia France
- Potato Variety Meijer – The Netherlands
- The Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd (SPK) – Varieties
- Soiuri de cartof EUROPLANT – ROMANIA
- The Nordic Potato Variety Database
- The Eastern Potato Variety Development Database
- Lista de cartofi (in limba germana) – wikipedia Germany
- Potato Variety Descriptions – Potato-Innovations – Norfolk, UK
- Potato varieties Semagri Holland B.V.
- New Varieties added to the UK National List in last year
- Potato Varieties VLAM, Bruxelles
- Kind of potato sorts – Ukrainian Institute for Potato Research Ukrainian
- Soiuri de cartof – Germania
- History of potato varieties in Ireland
- The British Potato Variety Database
- The European Cultivated Potato Database
- Catalogue of Potato Varieties from CIP – 2010
- Potato Variety Descriptions (Tucker Farms, New York)
- Canadian Potato Council
- The Potato Research Group at Washington State University
- Centru de cercetare a cartofului din Keszthely, Ungaria
- Central Association Potato of the Czech Republic
- Colorado Potato Admin. Committee (SM)
- National Potato Council (SM)
- Northern Plains Potato Growers Assn: (SM)
- Oregon Potato Commission
- Oregon State Univ. Ext. Potato Sites:
- Potatoes NB
- Potato Variety Management Institute
- University of Maine Cooperative Extension/Potatoes
- Washington State Potato Commission
- Washington State University, Potato Research Group
- Wisconsin Potato Vegetable Growers Assn.
- World Potato Congress:
- PotatoEurope Nederland – Emmeloord in The Netherlands
- Potato Growers
- Michigan Potato Diseases
- Revista Spudman
- Potato Country Magazines
- The Idaho Center for Potato Research and Education
- CEVIPAPA-Culombia
- The Potato Processing Association of Australia (PPAA)
- The Chinese Potato Association (CPA)
- The European Potato Trade Association
- German Potato Trade Association
- The United States Potato Board (USPB)
- The Minnesota Certified Seed Potato Growers Association
- The Canadian Potato Varieties
- Les Buissons Research Center: Genetic Improvement of Potatoes
- The Kenosha Potato Collection Catalog: (part of Kenosha Potato Project)
- Oregon Potato Variety Database: interactive database for most advanced western U.S. selections
- Potatoes South Australia
- The Potatoes New Zealand
- Potato Varieties, List of (WSU): a huge alphabetical list
- Asociatia Amelioratorilor , Producatorilor si Comerciantilor de Samanta si Material Saditor din Romania – AMSEM
- Potato Variety Descriptions, France
- Potato Association of America Variety Descriptions
- Potato Varieties (Michigan): the MSU breeding program website
- Scottish Crop Research Insitute